

New member
Feb 25, 2006
This is for all you lazy pot heads.....LOL


Marijuana addiction has not been deemed fatal, but this doesn't mean that marijuana addiction isn't extremely damaging. Marijuana addiction causes many problems. Marijuana addiction does much damage in the life of the person addicted to marijuana, along with the people who care about the person. The main reason that marijuana addiction is damaging is due to the mental effects that it has on its abuser. The person suffering from marijuana addiction may not even know they are addicted. They might think that their marijuana addiction is just a bad habit or not even that strong. They might think that they are using marijuana recreationally when the disease of marijuana addiction is slowly taking over the person's life.
Marijuana is not physically addicting. But this does not let users off the hook. Just because a drug is not physically addicting doesn't mean that it is not addicting in any capacity. It is by far one of the most addicting drugs on the market when thought about as emotionally and mentally addicting.
There are two ways of being addicted to marijuana, and they are almost inseparable. They are the emotional marijuana addiction and mental marijuana addiction. These are practically impossible to be found separately in one marijuana addict.
Emotional marijuana addiction is the more powerful of the two. The reason for its power lies within the addict's emotional well-being. What occurs when an addict inhales the marijuana is they are placed in a euphoric state. Once they are placed in this state their marijuana now controls their emotions. If they are "happy it is because of the marijuana". Is something they might think to themselves. What this begins is the cycle of getting high to become happy and when they come down and begin to feel less than happy they might use again. They will continue this cycle until their emotions are completely ruled by marijuana. This is emotional marijuana addiction. And what makes this form stronger is that when the addict tries to get sober they will feel very depressed. This depression might drive them to use again.
Mental marijuana addiction is simpler and less powerful. What happens is a logical progression that marijuana enhances their life. It is a lie that they tell themselves. This lie becomes stronger until they no longer can tell reality from their own perception. When this happens the addict is in trouble.
There is hope! If the marijuana addiction is in its early stages the process to attain sobriety is relatively simple. The stronger it is the harder it may be. But drug treatment is exactly what is needed. If the person wants to live a happy healthy life the first step to free them from marijuana addiction is drug treatment.
Marijuana kills large amounts of brain cells. It renders the person lethargic and lazy and their life may begin to fall apart. Don't let this happen to you or someone you love. Spencer Recovery Centers can help you. We have a highly trained staff ready to take your call. So call today. You will be glad you did.

New member
Jun 19, 2005
This has got to be the worst "anti pot" rant I have ever heard ( and I have heard a lot of them".

By the sound of your arguments you are on that political bullshit that likes to scare people and lie to people that don't have a grasp on this subject. So let me the anti-pot arguments down.

1.) It makes you lazy- So if you smoke pot you are gonna be lazy?? Wow!! What a stereotype!! First we will take my personal experience. I smoke everyday, several times a day, and I still manage to pull a 3.0 in college, play college football( D2), and get some pocket change by working part-time. Ok so your saying "well that is you"..There are successful pot smokers in every genre of life or industry. You got pro athletes that are in peak physical condition that smoke pot often(Randy Moss, Ricky Williams, Onterrio Smith, Mark Stepnoski, to name a few). I know several successful entrepreneurs who smoke pot daily and still seem to be making BANK running there own businesses. Shit Bill Clinton admitted to smoking weed. My point is there are pot smokers who might be lazy, BUT there are non pot smokers who are JUST AS LAZY. IF YOUR LAZY YOUR JUST FUCKIN LAZY NOT BECAUSE YOU SMOKE OR YOUR FAT OR WHATEVER. JUST A FUCKIN STEREOTYPE.

2.) Pot is a gateway drug- Oh really? There is ABSOLUTELY no conclusive evidence that suggests marijuana leads to other illicit drugs. Once again first I'll go with personal experience. Smoke pot several times daily, but haven't touched a other "illicit" drug(drink on occassion). Statistically, for every 104 Americans who have tried marijuana, there is only one regular user of cocaine, and less than one user of heroin. Marijuana is clearly a "terminus" rather than a gateway for the overwhelming majority of marijuana smokers( On a similar subject, maybe the much heralded DEA should crack down on "hard" drugs like heroin, cocaine, ectacy,etc. Instead of spending tax dollars on those stupid ass commericals when a guy lets a little baby fall into the pool cuz "he was high", maybe they should spend it on stopping use of the real hardcore drugs. ALCOHOL IS THE GATEWAY DRUG!!!!!!!!!! Anyone who drinks alcohol knows that they do things that they wouldn't do sober, so why don't we hear about the problems of alcohol being a gateway drug. BECAUSE OF POLITICAL BULLSHIT.

3.) Addiction- Hey I will give you this people sometimes become "addicted to marijuana". I know that I will probably never stop smoking. Being addicted to something doesn't necessarily mean it is a bad thing. How about people addicted fast food, or sports, or having sex with their hot ass girlfriend. Is that all bad cuz they are addicted. Neither JMOney nor anyone else for that matter has proven a negative effect of pot on the body. You say you lose brain cells?? I think I would have gotten stupider by now if pot hurt your brain, or maybe I'm just an exception. Once again how about all those productive, hard working, pot smoking citizens whose brains are as sharp as ever? Obviously smokin pot isn't GOOD for you, but either is eating a double quarter pounder with cheese.

Its ok JMOney it is not your fault that you have no clue what your talking about, because people have been fed so much bullshit about marijuana for so long that of course people are gonna believe the government. I think it is time that people get there head out of their asses and get to know the facts (good and bad) about marijuana. Like I said earlier pot isn't necessarily good for you or your body, but it isn't horrible for you either. Pot isn't for everyone. For example is your are one those lazy pot smokers then DONT SMOKE POT.
IF POT IS ILLEGAL WHAT IS THE JUSTIFICATION FOR ALCOHOL BEING LEGAL? I only had about 20 minutes to reply so I didn't get my whole rant in but hopefully my point got across.

New member
Feb 25, 2006
The Juice said:
This has got to be the worst "anti pot" rant I have ever heard ( and I have heard a lot of them".

By the sound of your arguments you are on that political bullshit that likes to scare people and lie to people that don't have a grasp on this subject. So let me the anti-pot arguments down.

1.) It makes you lazy- So if you smoke pot you are gonna be lazy?? Wow!! What a stereotype!! First we will take my personal experience. I smoke everyday, several times a day, and I still manage to pull a 3.0 in college, play college football( D2), and get some pocket change by working part-time. Ok so your saying "well that is you"..There are successful pot smokers in every genre of life or industry. You got pro athletes that are in peak physical condition that smoke pot often(Randy Moss, Ricky Williams, Onterrio Smith, Mark Stepnoski, to name a few). I know several successful entrepreneurs who smoke pot daily and still seem to be making BANK running there own businesses. Shit Bill Clinton admitted to smoking weed. My point is there are pot smokers who might be lazy, BUT there are non pot smokers who are JUST AS LAZY. IF YOUR LAZY YOUR JUST FUCKIN LAZY NOT BECAUSE YOU SMOKE OR YOUR FAT OR WHATEVER. JUST A FUCKIN STEREOTYPE.

2.) Pot is a gateway drug- Oh really? There is ABSOLUTELY no conclusive evidence that suggests marijuana leads to other illicit drugs. Once again first I'll go with personal experience. Smoke pot several times daily, but haven't touched a other "illicit" drug(drink on occassion). Statistically, for every 104 Americans who have tried marijuana, there is only one regular user of cocaine, and less than one user of heroin. Marijuana is clearly a "terminus" rather than a gateway for the overwhelming majority of marijuana smokers( On a similar subject, maybe the much heralded DEA should crack down on "hard" drugs like heroin, cocaine, ectacy,etc. Instead of spending tax dollars on those stupid ass commericals when a guy lets a little baby fall into the pool cuz "he was high", maybe they should spend it on stopping use of the real hardcore drugs. ALCOHOL IS THE GATEWAY DRUG!!!!!!!!!! Anyone who drinks alcohol knows that they do things that they wouldn't do sober, so why don't we hear about the problems of alcohol being a gateway drug. BECAUSE OF POLITICAL BULLSHIT.

3.) Addiction- Hey I will give you this people sometimes become "addicted to marijuana". I know that I will probably never stop smoking. Being addicted to something doesn't necessarily mean it is a bad thing. How about people addicted fast food, or sports, or having sex with their hot ass girlfriend. Is that all bad cuz they are addicted. Neither JMOney nor anyone else for that matter has proven a negative effect of pot on the body. You say you lose brain cells?? I think I would have gotten stupider by now if pot hurt your brain, or maybe I'm just an exception. Once again how about all those productive, hard working, pot smoking citizens whose brains are as sharp as ever? Obviously smokin pot isn't GOOD for you, but either is eating a double quarter pounder with cheese.

Its ok JMOney it is not your fault that you have no clue what your talking about, because people have been fed so much bullshit about marijuana for so long that of course people are gonna believe the government. I think it is time that people get there head out of their asses and get to know the facts (good and bad) about marijuana. Like I said earlier pot isn't necessarily good for you or your body, but it isn't horrible for you either. Pot isn't for everyone. For example is your are one those lazy pot smokers then DONT SMOKE POT.
IF POT IS ILLEGAL WHAT IS THE JUSTIFICATION FOR ALCOHOL BEING LEGAL? I only had about 20 minutes to reply so I didn't get my whole rant in but hopefully my point got across.




New member
Jun 19, 2005
My bad then hahaha..Just got done givin this pot legalization speech in class last week...Once again my bad..shit just pisses me off

New member
Feb 25, 2006
No problem bud. I figured someone would probably go off on me for even posting this, but I was just doing it as a joke after the last MJ post.......


Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
JMONEY said:
No problem bud. I figured someone would probably go off on me for even posting this, but I was just doing it as a joke after the last MJ post.......


Don't worry Jmoney. . He was probably high when he read this. :missingte

She's either funnin' or bunnin' or else I'm runnin
Jan 11, 2005
My teachers in college loved my papers. I became very creative and in depth with my ideas. writing papers baked was the way to go.

I would also come up with very creative ideas for business and marketing while baked.

Bruce lee smoked a lot and he was the man.

Anyway, If you study high and take tests high, then you will get high grades.

leave the burners alone.

Sol II

New member
Feb 25, 2006
If you want some really creative ideas, maybe you should try trippin on THAT will make you creative. LOL

This place isn't paradise... trust me.
Jan 23, 2006
The Juice said:
My bad then hahaha..Just got done givin this pot legalization speech in class last week...Once again my bad..shit just pisses me off

You smoked too much Marijuana when you read it, so when you got to the bottom of the article you forgot.

Next time, spark the spliff AFTER you read ;)


Living...vicariously through myself.
May 20, 2005
Gateway to enlightenment and good times maybe.

This place isn't paradise... trust me.
Jan 23, 2006
Gateway to enlightenment and good times maybe.

Gateway to becoming a Republican who like Mr. Danger. I knew long term pot use had side-effects on some... you are my proof base.



New member
Sep 21, 2004
The Juice said:
This has got to be the worst "anti pot" rant I have ever heard ( and I have heard a lot of them".

By the sound of your arguments you are on that political bullshit that likes to scare people and lie to people that don't have a grasp on this subject. So let me the anti-pot arguments down.

1.) It makes you lazy- So if you smoke pot you are gonna be lazy?? Wow!! What a stereotype!! First we will take my personal experience. I smoke everyday, several times a day, and I still manage to pull a 3.0 in college, play college football( D2), and get some pocket change by working part-time. Ok so your saying "well that is you"..There are successful pot smokers in every genre of life or industry. You got pro athletes that are in peak physical condition that smoke pot often(Randy Moss, Ricky Williams, Onterrio Smith, Mark Stepnoski, to name a few). I know several successful entrepreneurs who smoke pot daily and still seem to be making BANK running there own businesses. Shit Bill Clinton admitted to smoking weed. My point is there are pot smokers who might be lazy, BUT there are non pot smokers who are JUST AS LAZY. IF YOUR LAZY YOUR JUST FUCKIN LAZY NOT BECAUSE YOU SMOKE OR YOUR FAT OR WHATEVER. JUST A FUCKIN STEREOTYPE.

2.) Pot is a gateway drug- Oh really? There is ABSOLUTELY no conclusive evidence that suggests marijuana leads to other illicit drugs. Once again first I'll go with personal experience. Smoke pot several times daily, but haven't touched a other "illicit" drug(drink on occassion). Statistically, for every 104 Americans who have tried marijuana, there is only one regular user of cocaine, and less than one user of heroin. Marijuana is clearly a "terminus" rather than a gateway for the overwhelming majority of marijuana smokers( On a similar subject, maybe the much heralded DEA should crack down on "hard" drugs like heroin, cocaine, ectacy,etc. Instead of spending tax dollars on those stupid ass commericals when a guy lets a little baby fall into the pool cuz "he was high", maybe they should spend it on stopping use of the real hardcore drugs. ALCOHOL IS THE GATEWAY DRUG!!!!!!!!!! Anyone who drinks alcohol knows that they do things that they wouldn't do sober, so why don't we hear about the problems of alcohol being a gateway drug. BECAUSE OF POLITICAL BULLSHIT.

3.) Addiction- Hey I will give you this people sometimes become "addicted to marijuana". I know that I will probably never stop smoking. Being addicted to something doesn't necessarily mean it is a bad thing. How about people addicted fast food, or sports, or having sex with their hot ass girlfriend. Is that all bad cuz they are addicted. Neither JMOney nor anyone else for that matter has proven a negative effect of pot on the body. You say you lose brain cells?? I think I would have gotten stupider by now if pot hurt your brain, or maybe I'm just an exception. Once again how about all those productive, hard working, pot smoking citizens whose brains are as sharp as ever? Obviously smokin pot isn't GOOD for you, but either is eating a double quarter pounder with cheese.

Its ok JMOney it is not your fault that you have no clue what your talking about, because people have been fed so much bullshit about marijuana for so long that of course people are gonna believe the government. I think it is time that people get there head out of their asses and get to know the facts (good and bad) about marijuana. Like I said earlier pot isn't necessarily good for you or your body, but it isn't horrible for you either. Pot isn't for everyone. For example is your are one those lazy pot smokers then DONT SMOKE POT.
IF POT IS ILLEGAL WHAT IS THE JUSTIFICATION FOR ALCOHOL BEING LEGAL? I only had about 20 minutes to reply so I didn't get my whole rant in but hopefully my point got across.

wow i guess your college years didnt help you. you need to go look at studies done over the years and you may find yourself in denial.
you sound just like these dumb fucks on this jobsite i was on. the framing crew said they worked better stoned. lol in the 3 weeks i was there ,one shot himself in the arm with the nail gun and another set a skill saw on his foot. no wonder it cost so much for health care. fucking burnouts

New member
Jun 19, 2005
Would love to see those studies. While I have seen all the studies that are published that you can find on For real though, get at me with these studies that your talking about.
Jan 19, 2006
The Juice said:
Would love to see those studies. While I have seen all the studies that are published that you can find on For real though, get at me with these studies that your talking about.

I will volunteer!!!!

Living...vicariously through myself.
May 20, 2005
bdizzle said:
Gateway to becoming a Republican who like Mr. Danger. I knew long term pot use had side-effects on some... you are my proof base.


Al Gore made me a Republican.....John Kerry made me stay a Republican.

Blame yourselves.....BTW the side effects are open-mindedness and thought should try some.

Jan 20, 2002
I have used reefer for 30 something years. I don't get stoned all day. Doesn't effect my productivity. Never missed a day of work because of it. Never gotten into a fight on it. Never regretted something I did while on it. Don't get stoned every day. I use it at the end of my day. In my opinion booze is a much bigger problem for society.

New member
Feb 4, 2003
Judge Wapner said:
I have used reefer for 30 something years. I don't get stoned all day. Doesn't effect my productivity. Never missed a day of work because of it. Never gotten into a fight on it. Never regretted something I did while on it. Don't get stoned every day. I use it at the end of my day. In my opinion booze is a much bigger problem for society.

besides, I bet you can get your hands on some good shit down there in CR


Jan 20, 2002
DG, yes but surprisingly for about the same price as in the States. Lower end stuff is much cheaper.But I like quality.

"Calling All The Shots"
Jan 25, 2005

I Never Pictured You as a "Burner!"


MR. NW:thumbsup2:

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